Worship Timetable

 Mass times

Saturday evening: 5:30pm (Vigil Mass)

Sunday: 9am and 11am

An additional Sunday Evening Mass is celebrated on the 1st Sunday of each Month at 5.30pm. See the calendar for more details.

Monday to Saturday (except Tuesday): 11am

Days of obligation: 11am, 7pm

There is no Mass on Tuesday.

All 11am mases are livestreamed - other celebrations may also be livestreamed.

Church opening times

Monday to Saturday: 9am–7pm
Sunday: 9am–1pm


Monday to Friday: 6–7 pm.
Saturday: after the 11am Mass and before the 5:30pm Mass.

If you wish to receive confession at another moment, please contact the parish office to book an appointment.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Monday to Friday: 6–7 pm.

 Net for God Prayer Group

Praise and worship, teaching, sharing in small groups
Tuesdays at 8pm

Every Tuesday evening at 8pm the prayer group meets to raise praise to God and listen to His Word. Traditionally, people from all walks of life gather together to pray, practice charisms and thank the Lord for all he does for us. Alongside music and song this is a lively and joyful way to express our gratitude and praise his name.