About us

Hi everyone!

Welcome to the parish of Christ the King.

We are blessed with a very lively parish community where fellowship is a key value. For us, “Church is a family” where each one of us can develop a sense of belonging and deepen our relationship with Christ.

Christ the King is a parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster. The parish is run by the Chemin Neuf Community.

The Parish of Christ the King

The Church of Christ the King was founded in 1936 by Abbot Constantine Bosschaerts OSB, who was also the founder of the “Vita et Pax” Foundation. After 77 years of presence and dedicated service of the Benedictines of Monte Oliveto in Cockfosters, the monks decided to withdraw from the Parish. In December 2013, Archbishop Vincent Nichols paid a visit to the parish and officially thanked Dom Bernard Akoeso OSB, the last of the Olivetan monks, for his tireless work over recent years. He then asked Chemin Neuf to take over.

In 2014, Cardinal Vincent Nichols asked the Chemin Neuf Community to run Cockfosters’ Catholic parish. The first members of the Community arrived in the parish on the 1st of September. In 2017 Fr Christophe Brunet was appointed parish priest. He lives in the rectory with another priest and a family of the Community. All are dedicated to the activities of the parish. In addition, other families living in the area who are also part of the Community are involved in the life of the parish.

Diocese of Westminster

Christ the King is a parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster. Visit the Diocese website.

The Chemin Neuf Community

The parish is entrusted to the Chemin Neuf Community. Visit the UK website.

Meet the Team

The parish is coordinated by a “core team” of eight people. Four of us are committed members of the Chemin Neuf Community, and the other four of us are parishioners or s. All of us are passionate about making our parish a place where it feels good to be a follower of Jesus Christ.

Fr. Christophe Brunet, ccn

Fr. Christophe Brunet, ccn

Fr. Pascal Sullivan, ccn

Adrian Hegarty

Adrian Hegarty

Graeme Walsh

Nancy & Ted Wood, ccn

Nancy & Ted Wood, ccn

Claire O’Brien

Claire O’Brien

Caterina Schifano, Pastoral Assistant