
The parish has two Parish Safeguarding Representatives (PSRs):
Dominic Cox

Norah Flatley

In our parish of Christ the King there are many activities involving children and vulnerable adults. Safeguarding is the way that we aim to protect the health, well-being and human rights of individuals, which allow people — especially children, young people and vulnerable adults — to live free from abuse, harm and neglect.

All are involved in this culture of safeguarding especially those adults who lead or take part in groups and activities involving children, young people and vulnerable adults.

The PSR (Parish Safeguarding Representative)

The PSRs for the parish of Christ the King are Dominic Cox and Norah Flatley. They can be contacted for Safeguarding matters using the email addresses above or via the contact form below.

The PSR is the first point of contact at the parish for all safeguarding queries. The PSR is reachable for matters that do not imply an immediate danger to a child or adult at risk, in which case the police should be contacted on 999.

If you have any concerns that a child or a vulnerable adult in the parish is being abused, harmed or neglected please contact the PSR by email at the email address above, put a note in a sealed envelope addressed to Dominic Cox, Parish Safeguarding Representative into the parish office or by post to the parish address.

The PSR is also involved in the safer recruitment of volunteers who work in the parish. All who volunteer in positions where they have contact with children or vulnerable adults such as catechists, some eucharistic ministers and adult altar servers need to be DBS checked; the PSR initiates this process, verifies the volunteers’ identities and submits application forms and other documents to the diocese.

The PSR promotes a “Culture of Safeguarding” in the parish community including advertising for the EduCare online safeguarding courses that are available free to any member of the catholic community and designed to enhance safeguarding knowledge for everyone. See the advert for these courses on the Safeguarding noticeboard in the church entrance hall or click here

There is a range of Safeguarding literature available on the Safeguarding noticeboard.

For more information about Safeguarding in the diocese click here.

Contact the Parish Safeguarding Representatives (Dominic Cox and Norah Flatley)